Tuesday, December 28, 2021
Hanteo Music Awards 2021 (Info Dates, nominees, winners and about 1st K-pop chart awards)
Monday, December 13, 2021
HYBE Labels' 2022 "New Era" Online And Offline Weverse Con, Info Lineup & Live Stream
HYBE Labels will be holding a global music festival to ring in the New Year. Their aim is in the spirit of the Weverse platform where global artists and fandoms can communicate. The festival will serve the same purpose. The name "New Era" is a tribute to the artists facing difficult times but overcoming them to welcome a new music paradigm in 2022.
If you are interested in getting tickets or live streaming the event, read the details below.
2022 "New Era" Weverse Con
Justin Bieber
Lee Hyun
Date: December 31st, Friday, 9 PM KST
Location: KINTEX Hall4, Gyeonggi Province
Partner Live Streaming: CLICK HERE!
Source : https://www.kpopmap.com/hybe-labels-2022-new-era-online-and-offline-weverse-con-lineup-live-stream-and-ticket-details/
2021 KBS Gayo Daechukje info Lineup & Link Streaming
If you are interested in streaming the event, read the details below.
2021 KBS Gayo Daechukje
Red Velvet
Kang Daniel
Stray Kids
Lee MuJin
Brave Girls
UP10TION's Kim WooSeok
Date: December 17, Friday, 8:30 PM KST
Partner Live Streaming: CLICK HERE!
Source : https://www.kpopmap.com/2021-kbs-gayo-daechukje-lineup/
Tuesday, October 19, 2021
Apple Memperkenalkan Chip Paling Kuat Yang Pernah Dibuatnya, M1 Pro dan M1 Max
Memberi daya pada MacBook Pro yang serba baru, fitur chip baru hingga CPU 10-inti, GPU 32-inti, memori terpadu 64GB, akselerasi ProRes, dan efisiensi daya terdepan di industri
CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA - Apple hari ini mengumumkan M1 Pro dan M1 Max, chip terobosan berikutnya untuk Mac. Meningkatkan arsitektur transformasional M1, M1 Pro menawarkan kinerja luar biasa dengan efisiensi daya terdepan di industri, sementara M1 Max membawa kemampuan ini ke tingkat yang lebih tinggi. CPU di M1 Pro dan M1 Max memberikan kinerja CPU hingga 70 persen lebih cepat daripada M1, sehingga tugas seperti kompilasi proyek di Xcode lebih cepat dari sebelumnya. GPU di M1 Pro hingga 2x lebih cepat dari M1, sementara M1 Max hingga 4x lebih cepat dari M1, memungkinkan pengguna pro untuk terbang melalui alur kerja grafis yang paling menuntut.
M1 Pro dan M1 Max memperkenalkan arsitektur system-on-a-chip (SoC) ke sistem pro untuk pertama kalinya. Chip ini memiliki memori terpadu yang cepat, kinerja per watt terdepan di industri, dan efisiensi daya yang luar biasa, bersama dengan peningkatan bandwidth dan kapasitas memori. M1 Pro menawarkan bandwidth memori hingga 200GB/dtk dengan dukungan memori terpadu hingga 32GB. M1 Max menghadirkan bandwidth memori hingga 400GB/dtk — 2x lipat dari M1 Pro dan hampir 6x lipat dari M1 — dan dukungan hingga 64GB memori terpadu. Dan sementara laptop PC terbaru memiliki memori grafis 16GB, memiliki memori dalam jumlah besar ini memungkinkan alur kerja intensif grafis yang sebelumnya tak terbayangkan di notebook. Arsitektur M1 Pro dan M1 Max yang efisien berarti keduanya memberikan tingkat kinerja yang sama baik MacBook Pro dicolokkan atau menggunakan baterai. M1 Pro dan M1 Max juga dilengkapi mesin media yang disempurnakan dengan akselerator ProRes khusus untuk pemrosesan video profesional. M1 Pro dan M1 Max sejauh ini merupakan chip paling kuat yang pernah dibuat Apple.
“M1 telah mengubah sistem kami yang paling populer dengan kinerja luar biasa, teknologi khusus, dan efisiensi daya terdepan di industri. Tidak ada yang pernah menerapkan desain system-on-a-chip ke sistem pro hingga hari ini dengan M1 Pro dan M1 Max,” kata Johny Srouji, wakil presiden senior Teknologi Perangkat Keras Apple yang dikutip dalam laman apple.com/newsroom.
“Dengan peningkatan besar dalam kinerja CPU dan GPU, bandwidth memori hingga enam kali lipat, mesin media baru dengan akselerator ProRes, dan teknologi canggih lainnya, M1 Pro dan M1 Max membawa silikon Apple lebih jauh, dan tidak seperti apa pun dalam pro buku catatan," Sambungnya.
M1 Pro: Tingkat Performa dan Kemampuan Baru
Memanfaatkan teknologi proses 5-nanometer terdepan di industri, M1 Pro dikemas dalam 33,7 miliar transistor, lebih dari 2x jumlah di M1. CPU 10-inti baru, termasuk delapan inti berkinerja tinggi dan dua inti berefisiensi tinggi, hingga 70 persen lebih cepat daripada M1, menghasilkan kinerja CPU pro yang luar biasa. Dibandingkan dengan chip laptop PC 8-inti terbaru, M1 Pro menghadirkan kinerja CPU hingga 1,7x lebih banyak pada tingkat daya yang sama dan mencapai kinerja puncak chip PC dengan menggunakan daya hingga 70 persen lebih sedikit. 1 Bahkan tugas yang paling berat, seperti pengeditan foto resolusi tinggi, ditangani dengan mudah oleh M1 Pro.
M1 Pro memiliki GPU hingga 16-core yang hingga 2x lebih cepat dari M1 dan hingga 7x lebih cepat dari grafis terintegrasi pada chip laptop PC 8-core terbaru. 1 Dibandingkan dengan GPU diskrit yang kuat untuk notebook PC, M1 Pro memberikan kinerja lebih baik saat menggunakan daya hingga 70 persen lebih sedikit. 2 Dan M1 Pro dapat dikonfigurasi dengan memori terpadu cepat hingga 32GB, dengan bandwidth memori hingga 200GB/dtk, memungkinkan materi iklan seperti seniman 3D dan pengembang game untuk melakukan lebih banyak hal saat bepergian daripada sebelumnya.
M1 Max: Chip Paling Kuat di Dunia untuk Notebook Pro
M1 Max memiliki fitur CPU 10-core yang sama kuatnya dengan M1 Pro dan menambahkan GPU 32-core yang sangat besar untuk kinerja grafis hingga 4x lebih cepat daripada M1. Dengan 57 miliar transistor — 70 persen lebih banyak dari M1 Pro dan 3,5x lebih banyak dari M1 — M1 Max adalah chip terbesar yang pernah dibuat Apple. Selain itu, GPU memberikan kinerja yang sebanding dengan GPU kelas atas di laptop PC pro yang ringkas sambil mengonsumsi daya hingga 40 persen lebih sedikit, dan kinerja yang serupa dengan GPU kelas atas di laptop PC terbesar saat menggunakan hingga 100 watt lebih kecil dayanya. 2Ini berarti lebih sedikit panas yang dihasilkan, kipas bekerja dengan tenang dan lebih jarang, dan masa pakai baterai luar biasa di MacBook Pro baru. M1 Max mengubah alur kerja yang intensif grafis, termasuk rendering garis waktu kompleks hingga 13x lebih cepat di Final Cut Pro dibandingkan dengan MacBook Pro 13 inci generasi sebelumnya.
M1 Max juga menawarkan fabric on-chip bandwidth yang lebih tinggi, dan menggandakan antarmuka memori dibandingkan dengan M1 Pro hingga 400GB/s, atau hampir 6x bandwidth memori M1. Ini memungkinkan M1 Max dikonfigurasikan dengan memori terpadu cepat hingga 64GB. Dengan kinerjanya yang tak tertandingi, M1 Max adalah chip paling kuat yang pernah dibuat untuk notebook pro.
Mesin Media yang Cepat dan Efisien, Kini dengan ProRes
M1 Pro dan M1 Max menyertakan mesin media rancangan Apple yang mempercepat pemrosesan video sekaligus memaksimalkan masa pakai baterai. M1 Pro juga menyertakan akselerasi khusus untuk codec video profesional ProRes, yang memungkinkan pemutaran beberapa aliran video ProRes 4K dan 8K berkualitas tinggi sambil menggunakan daya yang sangat kecil. M1 Max lebih jauh lagi, menghadirkan encoding video hingga 2x lebih cepat daripada M1 Pro, dan dilengkapi dua akselerator ProRes. Dengan M1 Max, MacBook Pro baru dapat mentranskode video ProRes di Kompresor hingga 10x lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan MacBook Pro 16 inci generasi sebelumnya.
Teknologi Canggih untuk Sistem Pro Lengkap
- Baik M1 Pro dan M1 Max dimuat dengan teknologi khusus canggih yang membantu mendorong alur kerja pro ke tingkat berikutnya:
- Neural Engine 16-core untuk akselerasi machine learning di perangkat dan performa kamera yang lebih baik.
- Mesin tampilan baru menggerakkan beberapa tampilan eksternal.
- Pengontrol Thunderbolt 4 terintegrasi tambahan memberikan bandwidth I/O lebih banyak lagi.
- Prosesor sinyal gambar kustom Apple, bersama dengan Neural Engine, menggunakan video komputasional untuk meningkatkan kualitas gambar untuk video yang lebih tajam dan warna kulit yang tampak lebih alami pada kamera internal.
- Keamanan terbaik di kelasnya, termasuk Enklave Aman terbaru Apple, boot aman yang diverifikasi perangkat keras, dan teknologi anti-eksploitasi waktu proses.
Langkah Besar dalam Transisi ke Apple Silicon
Mac sekarang satu tahun dalam transisi dua tahun ke silikon Apple, dan M1 Pro dan M1 Max mewakili langkah maju yang besar. Ini adalah chip paling kuat dan mampu yang pernah dibuat Apple, dan bersama-sama dengan M1, mereka membentuk keluarga chip yang memimpin industri dalam kinerja, teknologi khusus, dan efisiensi daya.
macOS dan Aplikasi Melepas Kemampuan M1 Pro dan M1 Max
macOS Monterey dirancang untuk melepaskan kekuatan M1 Pro dan M1 Max, menghadirkan kinerja terobosan, kemampuan pro yang fenomenal, dan masa pakai baterai yang luar biasa. Dengan merancang silikon Monterey untuk Apple, Mac langsung bangun dari tidur, dan seluruh sistem menjadi cepat dan sangat responsif. Teknologi pengembang seperti Metal memungkinkan aplikasi memanfaatkan chip baru sepenuhnya, dan pengoptimalan di Core ML memanfaatkan Neural Engine yang kuat sehingga model pembelajaran mesin dapat berjalan lebih cepat. Data beban kerja aplikasi pro digunakan untuk membantu mengoptimalkan cara macOS menetapkan tugas multi-utas ke inti CPU untuk kinerja maksimum, dan fitur manajemen daya tingkat lanjut secara cerdas mengalokasikan tugas antara inti kinerja dan efisiensi untuk kecepatan dan masa pakai baterai yang luar biasa.
Kombinasi macOS dengan M1, M1 Pro, atau M1 Max juga menghadirkan perlindungan keamanan terdepan di industri, termasuk boot aman yang diverifikasi perangkat keras, teknologi anti-eksploitasi runtime, dan enkripsi in-line yang cepat untuk file. Semua aplikasi Mac Apple dioptimalkan untuk — dan dijalankan secara native di — silikon Apple, dan tersedia lebih dari 10.000 aplikasi dan plug-in Universal. Aplikasi Mac yang sudah ada yang belum diperbarui ke Universal akan berjalan mulus dengan teknologi Rosetta 2 Apple, dan pengguna juga dapat menjalankan aplikasi iPhone dan iPad langsung di Mac, membuka banyak kemungkinan baru.
Komitmen Apple terhadap Lingkungan
Saat ini, Apple netral karbon untuk operasi perusahaan global, dan pada tahun 2030, berencana untuk memiliki dampak iklim nol bersih di seluruh bisnis, yang mencakup rantai pasokan manufaktur dan semua siklus hidup produk. Ini juga berarti bahwa setiap chip yang dibuat Apple, mulai dari desain hingga manufaktur, akan 100 persen netral karbon.
Source : https://www.apple.com/newsroom/2021/10/introducing-m1-pro-and-m1-max-the-most-powerful-chips-apple-has-ever-built/
Monday, October 11, 2021
Save the Date, BTS Announces Four LA Concerts at SoFi Stadium, Inglewood, CA
source : https://www.billboard.com/articles/news/9637135/bts-sofi-stadium-concerts-los-angeles
Monday, September 27, 2021
Baltimore Ravens Win Over Detroit Lions with 66 yard FG record
Then, with the game on the line, Tucker hit a 66-yard field goal -- the longest in NFL history -- to lift the Ravens to a last-second 19-17 victory over the Detroit Lions.
Tucker's kick landed on the middle crossbar as time expired, bounced high in the air and ricocheted through. Swarmed by teammates on the field, he was lifted up in celebration.
"Thankfully, we found an extra yard-and-a-half that I didn't have three hours before," said Tucker as Quoted on espn.com, who held the ball from the winning kick in his hand. "I'm grateful for that."
Tucker's 66-yarder eclipsed Matt Prater's 64-yard field goal in 2013 as the longest in NFL history.
Tucker is more than the record holder for the longest kick and the most accurate kicker in NFL history. He's also the most clutch. Tucker improved to 16-for-16 in his NFL career on field goals in the final minute of regulation.
"He's the best kicker in history," Ravens coach John Harbaugh said. "When you have a kicker like that, you want to give him an opportunity like that. For him to come through like that is just historic."
It was déjà vu for Tucker, whose 61-yard field goal won the Ravens' last game at Ford Field eight years ago. That had been his previous career long.
There have been only seven go-ahead field goals of 60-plus yards in the final minute in NFL history, and Tucker is the only kicker with multiple ones, according to the Elias Sports Bureau. Both have come at Ford Field for Tucker.
"I love Detroit," Tucker said. "I think I'm going to buy a place here."
Tucker's winning kick was set up by Lamar Jackson converting a fourth-and-19 with a 36-yard pass to Sammy Watkins.
"I'm looking and see how many yards it is. I'm like, 'Dang, this is different right here. I've never seen him in this predicament,'" Jackson said. "I was hoping to get him closer. It was like, 'If we get enough air, he's going to make it.' He came through."
After Tucker's kick, fans exited Ford Field slowly in disappointment yet again as this latest loss adds to the laundry list of other dramatic endings in Lions franchise history. First-year Lions coach Dan Campbell didn't know how to initially describe his emotions other than, "I didn't think he would make it."
"I love the grit of this freakin' team, I do," Campbell said of his team. "If you're not a gritty team, you won't hold up to this team, so small victories and we've got to move forward and find a way to beat Chicago." Detroit is off to an 0-3 start for the first time since 2015, but players are aware of the silver lining in defeat.
Lions quarterback Jared Goff said the team will "remain true" and resilient going forward since the narrative could've changed completely had the ball bounced on the other side of the crossbar.
"About as big of a gut punch as I've ever been a part of. And, I guess I'll start this off by saying this team and this city has been through a lot obviously in recent years and has had these gut punches," Goff said.
"For me, personally, it's the hardest one I've been a part of, but I think the resiliency that we've shown in the past amongst this group and hopefully the new guys as well, the resiliency to push through something like this will remain. That optimism, that hope, that belief in each other, because it was there."
Source : https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/32286586/baltimore-ravens-tucker-wins-game-detroit-lions-record-66-yard-fg
Arsenal Beat Tottenham 3-1 In Premier League London Derby
Quoted from dailyunion.com, goals from Emile Smith Rowe, Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang and Bukayo Saka completed a third consecutive league win for Arsenal who lost their opening three games.
In a reversal of fortunes, Tottenham have now lost three in a row in the league after opening with a trio of successes.
The opener came in the 12th minute after Martin Odegaard went wide for Saka, whose low cross reached the unmarked Smith Rowe to be swept into the net.
Arsenal capitalized on a counter-attack in the 27th minute with Smith Rowe squaring Aubameyang to add a second.
Things will get better for the Gunners when Saka scores.
Thomas Prtey stole the ball from Harry Kane and Arsenal again broke through the Spurs defense with three passes. Smith Rowe found Saka, who ran into the box and was well challenged by the retreating Kane, only for the loose ball to roll back into his England team-mate's path. Saka then finished low past goalkeeper Hugo Lloris.
Tottenham gave themselves the chance to make an unexpected comeback when Son Heung-min picked up a cross from Sergio Reguilon in the 79th minute. But there will be no recovery for Nuno Espirito Santo's team.
Source : https://www.dailyunion.com/sports/national/arsenal-beats-tottenham-3-1-in-premier-league-london-derby/article_ff69f1e9-2857-5c85-90f4-95d92d6308d1.html
Friday, September 24, 2021
Mocro Maffia - Season 3 : Episode 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
Partners TV Shows & Movies
〘 Watch | Online | Schedule | Trailer 〙
Airs on : Videoland, Netherlands at 12:00 am CEST
Rating next-episode.net : 3/5 (2 ratings)
Mocro Maffia is a crime story about best friends Romano, Potlood and De Paus. With the three of them, they rise in rank within the criminal world. Before they know it, they own the total coke market within Amsterdam. Because of jealousy, their relation becomes complicated and ends up hostile...
Streaming media is multimedia that is constantly received by and presented to an end-user while being delivered by a provider. The verb to stream identifies the process of delivering or obtaining media in this manner.[clarification needed] Streaming refers to the delivery method of the medium, instead of the medium itself. Distinguishing delivery method from the media distributed applies particularly to telecommunications networks, as almost all of the delivery systems are either inherently streaming (e.g. radio, television, streaming apps) or inherently non-streaming (e.g. books, video cassettes, music CDs). There are challenges with streaming content on the Internet.
For instance, users whose Internet connection lacks satisfactory bandwidth may experience stops, lags, or slow buffering of the content. And users lacking compatible hardware or software systems may be unable to stream certain content.
Live streaming is the delivery of Internet content in real-time much as live television broadcasts content over the airwaves with a television signal. Live internet streaming takes a form of source media (e.g. a video camera, an audio tracks interface, screen capture software), an encoder to digitize the content, a media publisher, and a content delivery network to distribute and deliver the content. Live streaming does not need to be recorded at the origination point, although it frequently is.
Streaming is an option to file datvloading, a process where the end-user obtains the entire file for this content before watching or listening to it. Through streaming, an end-user can use their media player to get started on playing digital video or digital sound content before the complete file has been transmitted. The word “streaming media” can connect with media other than video and audio, such as live closed captioning, ticker tape, and real-time text, which are considered “streaming text”.
Copyright is a type of intellectual property that gives its atver the exclusive right to make copies of a creative work, usually for a limited time. The creative work may be in a literary, artistic, educational, or musical form. Copyright is intended to protect the original expression of an idea in the form of a creative work, but not the idea itself. A copyright is subject to limitations based on public interest considerations, such as the fair use doctrine in the United States.
Some jurisdictions require “fixing” copyrighted works in a tangible form. It is often shared among multiple authors, each of whom holds a set of rights to use or license the work, and who are commonly referred to as rights holders. These rights frequently include reproduction, control over derivative works, distribution, public performance, and moral rights such as attribution.
Copyrights can be granted by public law and are in that case considered “territorial rights”. This means that copyrights granted by the law of a certain state, do not extend beyond the territory of that specific jurisdiction. Copyrights of this type vary by country; many countries, and sometimes a large group of countries, have made agreements with other countries on procedures applicable when works “cross” national borders or national rights are inconsistent.
Typically, the public law duration of a copyright expires 40 to 400 years after the creator dies, depending on the jurisdiction. Some countries require certain copyright formalities to establishing copyright, others recognize copyright in any completed work, without a formal registration.
It is widely believed that copyrights are a must to foster cultural diversity and creativity. However, Parc argues that contrary to prevailing beliefs, imitation and copying do not restrict cultural creativity or diversity but in fact support them further. This argument has been supported by many examples such as Millet and Van Gogh, Picasso, Manet, and Monet, etc.
Credit is the trust which allows one party to provide money or resources to another party wherein the second party does not reimburse the first party immediately (thereby generating a debt), but promises either to repay or return those resources (or other materials of equal value) at a later date. In other words, credit is a method of making reciprocity formal, legally enforceable, and extensible to a large group of unrelated people.
The resources provided may be financial (e.g. granting a loan), or they may consist of goods or services (e.g. consumer credit). Credit encompasses any form of deferred payment. Credit is extended by a creditor, also knatv as a lender, to a debtor, also knatv as a borrower.
Thursday, June 3, 2021
2021 The UEFA European Football Championship (UEFA Euro 2020) | Full Schedule
Friday, May 21, 2021
BTS Release Their New Song “Butter”
According to K-media, a new album containing variety of new songs including the pre-released single 'Butter' is expected to be released in coming June!!!! 😲#Butter #ButterIsComing @BTS_twt pic.twitter.com/hBGeC3c3nR
— Sel⁷ 🧈 (@BTStranslation_) April 26, 2021